Welcome Church at Wells Park

Today was my first trip to Wells Park, for Welcome Church. When I arrived the chairs and tables were set up. I was very impressed how the set up was handled. There were about twenty people around the area. Some eight to ten of them joined  the service. The unity of the minister’s and the joy of the people make this Church a fun place. Open air, the sound birds make for a welcoming place. The Eucharist is a small but vital part of the Welcome Church and everyone takes part, in the bread and grape juice. After the service food is handed out and the meal continues. Then one hour later as if nothing had happen there it is park again. I can’t remember anyone’s name but that will come with time. Then some of the homeless may not be back; changing faces always. Change and loss are a part of the life of the homeless and those who greet them. More to come as I work in my Spring Mission.

St. Alban’s in the Rain

            Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful.

Enkindle in us the fire of your love.

   Send forth your spirit and we shall be created

and you shall renew the face of the earth

On this Sunday remembering the baptism of Christ,the heaven was opened and John saw the Spirit (πνευμα) of God descending like a dove and alighting on Jesus.(Matt.3:13-17) I awoke with a flash,sprang from my bed. A large smile on my face and jumped into the shower, ready to meet the day!

No, I dragged myself from a dead sleep and slugged thru a very wet morning. Arriving in El Cajon about 30 minutes before service and met with Fr. David. Then to church, where the joy and brightness warmed me. I was raised in this parish and it had been many years away. I was an acolyte in the old church building but never in the new church building. The altar I served at when I was a boy is now a side chapel. I have tried to think of the names of the boys and girls that were in my Sunday school class, but can’t come up with one name, I will have to work on my memory. I will spend the next few months with the people of St.Alban’s. Even if this morning started out slow I look forward to my time with the family of St.Alban’s.